Monday, November 12, 2018

Mesa, SM North in Quezon City

Mesa is a good place to have a special meal. My classmate Dan once decided to have our small TCF reunion at Mesa, SM North in Quezon City, on the 5th floor of the mall. It was exciting to be in a posh Filipino restaurant with neat, wooden dining furnishings---and good old friends. Or, should I say, "a bit" old friends.

The food was great. Every Filipino dish we ordered was cooked as good old tradition would have it. Almost just as grandma would do it---almost. What I enjoyed most was the fried chicken, pinakbet, and fried small crabs (I wasn't a vegetarian yet at the time). I do believe we had crispy pata (really crunchy pig's knuckles) and baked tahong, but it was a long time ago---probably 3 years ago---when we had the reunion.

Oh, I strongly recommend the baked tahong.

I just hope they won't change their quality over time. It's what disappoints me with a lot of restaurants---they often change quality as time passes. First they serve really good food, but then the quality wanes after some time. The same with service. I hope it won't be true of Mesa, SM North in Quezon City.

The reunion? Well, you know how reunions are. They're often both exciting and shocking. Exciting because of the long-time-no-see stuff, and shocking because you see what's become of your friends and classmates---and you, especially. I mean, how time has treated you all rather harshly---wrinkles, balding heads, false teeth (or lacking teeth), graying hair, some distortions here and there.

But more than the shocking features, the camaraderie and cherished memories are what really matter in reunions. The same old laughter and teasing, like suddenly you're in college again. Though I know I've changed a lot compared to my contemporaries. For one, I used to be so shy and quiet. Now I've become a joker---though still shy and quiet.

And I love good food a lot more now.

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